Just start

I’m a master in procrastination. It’s one of my true strengths.

It comes from a feeling of overwhelm and not knowing where to start, so it’s easier to just do nothing. 

For many of us procrastinators, worry is a go-to state. Perfectionism and self-worth play a big part too. Thoughts that play on repeat for me are:

  • ‘What if it’s not good enough?’

  • ‘What will people think?’

  • ‘Who do I think I am, trying to be an artist?’

Recently, I’ve decided to call bullshit on that. 

What do I do instead? Just start.

If we know that we’re going to make mistakes, we accept them when they happen. By working with our mood and honouring it, we develop self-compassion and space for imperfection.

For me with my art, it kind of looks like this:

I start off with no clue until those first marks appear. The first layers are my favourite and I get on a roll, deciding this one will be a masterpiece; the best painting I’ve ever done. I’m completely invested and I forget to eat/check on the kids/feed the dog. It’s a trick of the brain, a peak experience. I don’t want it to stop. 

Then just like that, in one brushstroke, it’s gone. And often, it’s so far gone that I hate it. I have to leave it and accept that this is part of the process. I remind myself it’s OK to paint 10 pieces and feel like seven of them suck, and that I can’t be afraid to get the bad stuff out because that’s what creates room for the good.

Then I pack up, wash my brushes and go and make snacks for the kids. Because that’s how this life works. And I’m forever grateful.

So next time you’re stuck in procrastination, just make a start. And don’t be afraid to be a bit shit. We’re all just winging it in this life after all.


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